Address: Sport- en Evenementencomplex Merwestein Merweplein 1 3432 GN Nieuwegein (near Utrecht)
On Saturday 29 November 2008 Airnieuws Nederland and Dutch Aviation Society will organise an aviation convention/aviation fair again. This gathering of aviation enthusiasts first took place in 1996 and is known as the Dutch Spotters Convention (DSC). For years it has been the place in the Netherlands to trade, sell or exchange all kinds of aviation related collectables.
In the past years this aviation fair usually took place at Rotterdam Airport. Now the big sports hall of Merwestein in Nieuwegein near Utrecht ( ) will be the scene of dozens of booths with books, magazines, slides, photos, videos, DVDs/CDs, postcards, aircraft models and many other aviation related collectables. Also other aviation societies, spotting groups and aviation companies will be present.
Access to the aviation convention is free, as is parking. The fair will last from 10.00 to 16.00 hours. Stands can be booked for € 20, - per table and are still available. See for more details.
“Evenementencomplex Merwestein” can easily be reached by Public Transport from Utrecht Central Railway Station (“Utrecht Centraal Station”). If you can read Dutch, then try .
Just take the high-speed “Sneltram ST” with destination “Nieuwegein-Zuid” for a 20-minute-journey. Step off at tram-stop “Nieuwegein Merwestein”. Walk down the stairs on the “greenparks side”. Go right and pass under the viaduct. Immediately turn right again and walk along the sports field and then go straight on. Eventually you’ll see the sports complex on your right-hand side. Entrance to the complex is on the other side, walk around the complex on the left hand side. All this will take you about five minutes from tram-stop to entrance.
By car: If you can read Dutch see . If not... Nieuwegein is about one hours’ drive from both the Belgian and German border. As there are numerous ways to get to this sports complex by various motorways, please use an online routeplanner and type in both your departing address and “Merweplein 1, Nieuwegein” or postal code “3432 GN”. Once again: parking is free!
The main reason to hold the DSC in Nieuwegein in november is that the convention is part of a whole day out for the aviation enthusiast. In the afternoon the National Dutch Spotters Championships 2008 (NSK) will be held in an adjacent room. At night you can watch and listen to some very interesting lectures, including one by a former F-105 Thunderchief "Wild Weasel" pilot and by the Aviodrome's Erling Brom, whose lecture will probably focus on the current Dutch propliners.
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